Time to Reperfusion and Treatment Effect for Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Clinical Trials Wednesday, October 5th, 2016JAMA Neurol, February 2016
Importance Intra-arterial treatment (IAT) for acute ischemic stroke caused by intracranial arterial occlusion leads to improved functional outcome in patients treated within 6 hours after onset. The influence of treatment delay on treatment effect is not yet known.
Objective To evaluate the influence of time from stroke onset to the start of treatment and from stroke onset to reperfusion on the effect of IAT. …
Conclusion and Relevance For every hour of reperfusion delay, the initially large benefit of IAT decreases; the absolute risk difference for a good outcome is reduced by 6% per hour of delay. Patients with acute ischemic stroke require immediate diagnostic workup and IAT in case of intracranial arterial vessel occlusion. Read more.